Free 3D Model Traffic cone, model ID14215 file format provided in .3ds file size 10.3 KB. This 3d City Road object contains 42 polygons, 109 vertices, materials and textures, It is ready to use, just put it into your scene.
Traffic cone 3d model related to Traffic cone, Traffic facilities, get these 3D-models for 3d visualization, 3d design, 3d rendering, animation or illustration of City Road, interactive visualization, and virtual reality.
3D model of traffic cone, available in 3ds, full textured 3d road facilities. Use it for rendering of outdoor scene, three-dimensional art or pattern design, created for emulation environments like placed adjacent, over or along the highways, roads, traffic facilities and other public areas.
Available 3D object format:
.3DS (3D Studio)
Texture type: JPG
You can free download this 3d-objects for 3D modeling application and use it for your 3D visualisation works, 3D interactive design, 3D graphic simulation and rendering.